Howto setup your free domain name in Blogger - Part 2

Last time I posted a tutorial about to setup, if you don't have any of this free domain name account, you can get it by using this search form to find out which name you like, after that proceed to registering your new account.

This domain is free to use for personal purpose but they will charge you for business at minimum price at $3 per domain name, but if you make a donation to them about $5, you can have around 100 domain name, normal account will get about 4 domain only.

After completing How to setup your free domain name in Blogger - Part 1 process, to make your free domain working with Blogger all you need to do now is login to your Blogger account and start doing the next procedure.

If you feel uncomfortable with image size, you can maximize it by click the maximize button located on the top left corner of the images free domain provider.

Wokeyy.. let's do it... :P

Step 01
At your Dashboard click at "Setting" link on your Blog.
blogger images maximize button

Step 02
At the navigation menu "Setting" tab, click the sub menu "Publishing".

Step 03
Then you will see the "Custom Domain" link, click on it.

Step 04
Then you will see the "Switch to advanced settings", for more infos, if you don't have any domain yet, you can purchase it through Blogger.

Step 05
Key in your domain name in the text box, remember that you should include the "www" subdomain before your top level domain name, otherwise Blogger will reject your request if you put naked domain name e.g. By the way if you like to use a different subdomain like, you can do it by adding up first the CNAME at your domain hosting.

After that key in the "Word Verification" text and click "SAVE SETTING" button.

Step 06
After doing all the above successfully, now you need to redirect your domain name, click the checkbox to redirect your domain, but please make sure first that you already Create 'A' NAME records for your naked domain as I did mention in the Part 1 of this tutorial, if not you should check for it first or your redirection won't work at all.

Enter your "Word Verification" in the textbox and click SAVE SETTING button to proceed, after completing all the steps above now try to view your domain either using full web address with subdomain e.g. "" or naked domain e.g. "".

Related Article : How to setup your free domain name in Blogger - Part 1

p/s: currently I am working with another tutorial about setting a domain to use with google apps(mail/sites/blogger)+web hosting, yaa dude you can use one single domain name for multipurpose, don't waste it, make fortune or wheel of fortune.. weeee...... chow cinchau....

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